Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Meerman celebrates movement of school safety bills, hopes to see whole package approved soon
RELEASE|March 19, 2024
Contact: Luke Meerman

State Rep. Luke Meerman (R-Coopersville) issued the following statement today applauding the House Education Committee for bringing up portions of the bipartisan school safety package for a hearing:

“I’m grateful to see portions of the bipartisan school safety package moving forward, and hopeful that the whole package will soon move out of committee and to the House Floor for a vote. The steadfast commitment to bipartisan collaboration by Reps. Breen and Kolezar on this issue is not something I take for granted

“Every part of this package is valuable and, once enacted, the bills will work together to help support students across the state. I look forward to continued movement on this package. In particular, Rep. Glanville’s HB 4098, which would fulfill the immediate need of better training school staff to support our students. It’s time to get these important measures across the finish line.”


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